Many translation agencies offer five-star services. Adastra offers all-star services.


Translation means the process of taking the words of one language and changing them to another language, while maintaining the same meaning. This work is done by a translator who is a specialist in the two languages in question. Or three, four or more languages! Adastra can pair your text with the perfect translator, or team of translators. Needing a specialist in a particular language won’t be your only requirement, of course. You need a translator who is also a specialist in your field, and this is what we provide. Law, finance, medicine or machinery, we’ve got you covered.

Translating between two or more languages is not the only aspect of this service. We deliver a final product, which has been proofread and polished for quality assurance (QA). Our proofreaders and editors are also experts in your field, guaranteeing that your translation will be exactly what you expect, and require.


Editing is the process of improving a text. An editor’s work is often the same as a proofreader’s, meaning that the editor fixes spelling mistakes and other typographical errors (typos). But unlike a proofreader, editing also includes fact-checking, improving the “prose” of a text, and generally ensuring that the text in question reads like it was written by a native speaker of the language who is also a specialist in the given field. In the translation industry, the editor provides that final, deep check to guarantee that your translation has the precise pizzazz you expect.

Editing at Adastra provides yet another layer of quality control and quality assurance using all available methods. As with any industry, the world of editing is constantly evolving. The advent of AI has offered many clients what they see as a cost-saving tool, and while this may be true to a certain extent, machine translations simply lack that human touch. Our editors can fix that.


Subtitles are the visual translation of a foreign language in media. Foreign media such as films, television shows, documentaries, advertisements, and even theatrical productions are, of course, in the foreign language of the country they originated in. For local audiences to understand them, subtitles are required. Unlike written translations however, subtitles need to correspond to time stamps in the media in question, meaning that the correct sentence must appear at the correct time. While this can be fairly technical, subtitling is an easy service that Adastra provides.

Subtitling is not just standard translation, however. The length of the translation work involved in subtitles must correspond to screen size. Subtitles need to be short, concise, and yet still convey all the information of the source language, while allowing viewers to also watch and enjoy the media in question. Clients should always prefer subtitling to dubbing in order to better maintain the feel of the original recording.

DTP services

DTP services, or desktop publishing, essentially means the layout and formatting of a translation to guarantee that it looks just like the original text. A university diploma that has been translated needs to appear exactly as the diploma itself, and not simply a couple bland sentences on a blank sheet of paper. Or a book, or technical instructions: these need to be formatted appropriately. Adastra will not only translate and edit your text, but provide you with an identical translation.

For successful DTP services, words and sentences must often be edited to match the original length. An example would be how the English translation of an Estonian text is on average 17% longer. This extra length still needs to fit in the final product, and this is what desktop publishing does. It involves teamwork with the translator, editor, and project manager, and is a vital step in the post-translation process.

Sworn translation

A sworn translation is an officially certified translation that can be accepted by courts and other administrative authorities. A sworn translator will hold the corresponding accreditation, which is issued by a government. When ordering a sworn translation, clients can rest assured that the sworn translator accepts full, personal liability for the accuracy of the translation. This is how sworn translation differs from certified translation, which usually simply includes a statement from the translator that they did a good job.

There are a limited number of sworn translators in Estonia, and Adastra can select the right one for what you need. All sworn translators are accredited by the Estonian Ministry of Justice. The terms “apostille” and “notarization” refer to the authenticity of a document in exactly the same way that “sworn translation” refers to the authenticity of the translation of a document.


Copywriting is creating text, or “copy”, that can be used for various purposes, such as content on websites, advertisements, blogs, and more. What you’re reading right now is a product of copywriting. If a client has an idea of what they want to say, Adastra can bring that idea to life, and in any language, even multiple languages. Quality copywriting is a perfect balance of natural writing talent, creativity, and clarity. While translation is Adastra’s primary business, you could say that copywriting is our full-service package.

All copywriting will be done by a professional, and native speaker of the language. This also involves any translation needed, along with editing and proofreading, quality assurance, fact-checking, and desktop publishing to fit any template the client provides. A fun challenge for Adastra’s clients is to order copywriting services about a subject that we cannot provide: it hasn’t happened yet.